How to plant your first organic garden |
It is interesting to note that while gardening was once considered a hobby for Baby Boomers and Gen X, it has now become popular among Millennials as well. Stats reveal that 20% of the population of the age group 18-34 has taken to gardening. The transition towards organically grown vegetables and fruits has become popular worldwide because organic food offers healthy, tasty food that is free from chemicals and pesticides. Here are a few tips on how you and enjoy “the organic fruits of your labor” by planting your organic garden: 1. Planning the Space in your Garden When planning the space in your garden make sure to choose a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. Plant your garden in an area that receives sunlight for at least 6 hours or better still 8-10 hours. In addition to sunlight, the gardening space should also have good drainage. Also, follow the spacing requirements on the seed packets to avoid crowding of plants. A well-spaced garden has good air-flow between plants preventing fungal diseases. 2. Organic Garden Soil Another prerequisite for growing organic vegetables is organic soil. The soil should contain organic constituents such as manure, peat, moss, or compost. These components in the soil are the best option for organic gardening because they contain decayed microorganisms of previous plant life which can provide nutrients to the plant. You can either buy organic soil in the market or create your own compost by designating an area or bin where the organic matter will decompose. 3. Reducing Weeds Weeds are a nuisance for any garden. They not only compete with the plant for water and nutrients but also attract pests. One of the best ways to reduce weeds is by spreading a 1-2 inch thick layer of mulch in the soil. This creates a barrier that prevents weeds from getting sunlight and hence they cannot germinate. Organic material such as cocoa hulls, weed-free straw, and newspaper serve as good sources of mulch. Despite using mulch for preventing weeds from germinating, they can still grow in the garden. Therefore, regular weeding is a must. While weeding, you will need to ensure that the weeds are removed from the root else they will regrow. 4. Watering your Plants While watering your plants make sure that you water the roots and avoid splashing. This is because splashing will not only waste water but also wet the leaves. And, wet leaves are vulnerable to the growth of mildews like powdery or downy mildew. Although not exhaustive this is a list of few basics to get started on your organic garden. Happy Gardening! |